Whispers in the Night - Icon
- WHISPERS IN THE NIGHT: Icon - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears as an icon in the book, "Whispers in the Night," by Basil Copper.
While reading a book on "how to write" I came across this bit of advice; "practice writing sentences that have unusual concepts, like this one; "to make an apple pie, You first have to make a universe."
That unusual concept implies a time before the existence of the universe, when an unknown entity is instructing God on how to make an apple pie! Outrageous!
Nevertheless, I want to learn how to write so I thought a bit and wrote, "Nothing" became "Everything" when "Time" allowed "space" to exist.
That sentence came out of my thinking about what existed before the universe was created. Nothing! And when the universe was created it became Everything! And it takes Time to allow Space to expand so the universe can grow and expand with it.
Try it, try writing a sentence with an unusual concept. It challenges your mind to think creatively, something that most of us are not called upon to do very often. But thinking creatively is what writing is all about.
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